Ebony squirter Brandi Bonet does all the things your girl won't

80825   January 10, 2024
anonymous | 15 subscribers
80825   January 10, 2024
Brandi wishes to be your pet, with a collar, bold and clear, you bet. Bound by a chain, both strong and tight, a silly pup, for her safety, day and night. Oh, how she yearns to follow you near, for in your presence, she has no fear. You are her lifeline, her guiding light, without your care, her world feels slight. She longs to be by your side, come what may, in your footsteps, she'll merrily stray. With wagging tail and eyes so bright, she'll be loyal, morning, noon, and night. Together, you'll explore life's great unknown, for in each other, you've surely grown. So collar her, dear friend, with love and pride, let the world witness your bond so wide. For in your kindness, her heart is true, as your dear pet, my friend, is all for you

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